Cyber Academy
Cyber defense is a national necessity and priority for the defense of our public and personal assets. Thus, it requires the development of a cybersecurity workforce and ecosystem to counter the advanced cyber threats. The demand for education and training is prompting the creation of more programs at universities. The advancement and proliferation of cyber threats call for immediate attention to develop cybersecurity career paths that lead to a better prepared workforce in order to protect critical information systems.
ZNT Global Cyber Academy serves as a national and regional center of training excellence.Intended to both develop cyber expertise in the region and address your organization’s mandate for cyber education, protection and defense, our Cyber Academy:
Includes training for executives, managers and cyber protection practitioners.Includes participation by leaders and practitioners from across government and private industry to facilitate development of a skilled cyber workforce across the nation and region.Includes participation by leaders and practitioners from across government and private industry to facilitate development of a skilled cyber workforce across the nation and region.Key Program Features:
Immersive learning model combines cybersecurity range, labs, practical exercises and lectures.Operationally focused to deliver mission-ready operators.End-to-end pipeline develops cyber professionals from entry level to practitioners to leaders.Students learn and train under simulation of their actual professional roles and responsibilities.Industry-leading software and classrooms.Advanced cyber range for red-on-blue simulation exercises.Hands-on exercises constitute more than 60% of the coursework.Post-course access to support materials and updates via Cyber Academy online learning portal.